Saturday, November 18, 2023

 그림을 그리는 사람으로서 요즘 딜레마에 빠졌다

사람을 평가할 때 돈을 얼마나 많이 버느냐 가 중요한 자본주의에 살고 있는 

그림쟁이는 그야말로 실패자이다 

유명해지지 않는 이상 그림쟁이로서 돈을 벌기는 하늘의 별을 따는 것 만큼 


이번에는 이번에는 그림이 팔리겠지 그리고 내 그림이 뜨겠지 하며..하지만 

내 그림이 문제인지 아니면 나의 때가 아닐 수 도 있겠다 하며 체념한다..

나와의 싸움을 아침에 눈을 뜨면 시작한다.

그림을 계속 그려야 되나 하면서도 어쩔 수 없이 붓을 잡고 그림을 그리고 있

는 나..

최근에 그린 그림

독특하거나 특유의 아름다움이 없어진 요즘 TV나 영화를 보면 젊은 여배우

들이 다 똑같아 보인다.   이것이 현실이 된 지금  하지만 아름다운 한국인 유

지인 그녀의 자연미를 그리고 싶었다  우리에게도 한때 

자연미인이 TV나 영화를 주름잡고 있었다는 사실을 그리고 싶었다.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Baby owl camouflaged by wallpaper # 2, 2019

Mixed medium on paper

8 x 8 inches

This work is one of a camouflaged theme series.
Please see older posts for more informations

Friday, July 24, 2020

Spotted seal in coral reef , 2019

Acrylic on canvas

16 x 20 inches  

19 x 23 inches with frame

This spotted seal is natural monument No. 331 in South Korea.   South Korea has put forth effort to save this seal.
Their natural habitat, and natural breeding ground,  is the arctic.  Climate change caused this creature difficulty  breeding.
Hunting by humans, lack of food and other factors have added to their distress ..

I was inspired by this beautiful spotted seal and coral reef, which is also in danger of extinction,
to make this work to raise awareness of the endangered species... the spotted seal.

Lydia Moon Hee Kim

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Memories in black and white

I was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea.
Most of my memories of childhood are in black and white.
Even the Street Signs were in black and white, black and white photography, buildings, people dressed shabby, a bare mountain, black and white newspapers for street food packing and so on...
1960s and 1970s South Korea was developing nation. Korean didn't have fancy colorful life like Korean has today.
Until 1980 Korean government didn't allow the nation to sell color TV sets nor color TV broadcasting, even though Korea already had assembly line for color TV and was able to broadcasting in color.

My family and I were watching shows and films in black and white like other Koreans.

Especially in weekend My family and I were watching black and white western movies.
Watching TV was like having family time together after having a long day.
My family and I learned western culture and their ideas of beauty through bw films

As a child, I created and shaped ideas of beauty in black and white.

In these two paintings I overlap those memories in black and white and ongoing my life

Classic beauty blended in floral wallpaper # 2, 2019
Acrylic on canvas
9 x 12 inches


Classic beauty blended in floral wallpaper # 3, 2019
Acrylic on wood
10 x 10 inches

 Classic beauty blended in floral wallpaper #5, 2019
Acrylic on panel
10 x 10 inches

Classic beauty blended in floral wallpaper, 2019
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches

Classic beauty blended in fox pattern
Mixed medium on paper
12 x 9 inches

Friday, July 12, 2019

                                    a Cat camouflaged by yellow flower, 2019
     Acrylic on canvas
         7 x 5 inches

                             Cat camouflaged by floral wallpaper, 2019
Acrylic on panel
 10 x 10 inches

Cat camouflaged by plushie dolls, 2019

Acrylic on  panel

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Different stages of flowers can be found in a field
Phases Starting with the seed stage, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and then spreading new 
I have captured all these plant’s different events in a canvas.
While the plants/flowers repeating their cycle of life, other creations like a chick, which in
one of the series of stages in form, finds a place to hide to protect its life and so that it can
continue to move on through the different stage of life.

  Cosmos flowers in a field and hidden chick, 2018

Acrylic on Canvas

10 x 10 x 1.5 inches